


Selecteer een medicijn Amfetamine / dextroamfetaminezouten 5 mg tablet (003784541)
Amfetamine / dextroamfetaminezouten 5 mg tablet
NDC: 003784541
Regulation iced
Federaal controlled drug
(CSA scheme)
FDA goedgekeurd


SKU N/A Category


What is this medicine?

AMFETAMINES; DEXTROAMPHETAMINES (ben FET a meen; dex troe am FET a meen) is used to treat hyperactivity (ADHD). It may also have been used for narcolepsy. Federale  prohibits the admission of the medicijn to another person in the person for whom it is intended. The medicine met no one else.Amfetamine-5-mg

OPK Pharmacy Patient statistics for amfetamine products: oral tablet (5 mg)

Algemeen vs. merknaamgebruik *
Generiek 98.83% Merk 1.17%
* Merk bevat hetzelfde actieve ingrediënt, maar vertegenwoordigt mogelijk geen door de FDA goodgekeurd geniek equivalent
Gebruik op sterkte
Amfetamine-5-mg30 mg 12.5 mg 7.5 mg 15 mg 10 mg 20 mg 5 mg

Further information

Selecteer een medicijn Amfetamine / dextroamfetaminezouten 5 mg tablet (003784541)
Amfetamine / dextroamfetaminezouten 5 mg tablet
NDC: 003784541
Regulation iced
Federaal controlled drug
(CSA scheme)
FDA goedgekeurd

Bewaren at a controlled chamber temperature (Tussen 68 and 77 degrees F)
Amfetamine / dextroamfetaminezouten 5 mg tablet
Drug Image stock default-drug-image.png


how do you use it?

AMFETAMINE is a prescription medium that is used to treat the symptoms of hyperactivity with impulse control. AMFETAMINE can also be used with other medicines.

AMFETAMINE is a stimulating agent for the central nervous system.

It is not known that Adderall is effective for children over 3 years old.

What is the ability of AMFETAMINE to work?

Adderall can cause serious problems, including:

  • chest pain,
  • must breathe,
  • duplicity,
  • hallucinations,
  • new stomach problems,
  • aggression,
  • paranoia,
  • vijaydity,
  • feeling stupid,
  • pee,
  • cold hold,
  • inexplicable wounds,
  • Huidskleurveranderingen in Vingers of Tenen,
  • convulsions,
  • trekking (tics),
  • vision changed,
  • Roep direct medical help in as u een van de bovenstaande symptoms heeft.

The most suitable components of AMFETAMINE are:

  • buikpijn,
  • misery,
  • dungeon of eetlust,
  • weight dungeon,
  • stemmingswisselingen, waaronder nervousness of prikkelbaarheid,
  • quick heartbeat,
  • head pain,
  • duplicity,
  • slap problems (slapeloosheid),
  • drug moon ,
  • Vertel het de arts als u een bijwerking heeft the u stoort of die niet verdwijnt.

This doesn’t have any chance of using Adderall. Vraag uw arts of pharmacist om sea information.

Additional information


50 Pills, 100 Pills, 200 Pills